Saints goalscorer named in latest Championship team of the week

SAINTS mid­field­er Joe Roth­well has been named in the lat­est Sky Bet Cham­pi­onship team of the week after his dou­ble against Sun­der­land.

Super-sub Roth­well helped Southamp­ton secure all three points against the Black Cats on Sat­ur­day, scor­ing twice from the bench in a 4–2 win.  

The Cher­ries loa­nee’s dou­ble came with­in sev­en min­utes of his intro­duc­tion, with both goals being scored in just three min­utes.

It was the sec­ond time Roth­well has pro­duced a game-chang­ing brace hav­ing also done so in Southamp­ton’s thrilling 5–3 win over Hud­der­s­field last month.

In addi­tion to his two goals, Roth­well cre­at­ed four chances from just 16 touch­es. The 29 year old has now scored four times for the St Mary’s side.

The lat­est Cham­pi­onship team of the week, which is select­ed based on which play­ers received the high­est rat­ing on, is dom­i­nat­ed by Nor­wich play­ers.

The Canaries record­ed a resound­ing 5–0 win over bot­tom-of-the-table Rother­ham Unit­ed, see­ing five of their play­ers make the cut. 

Full Cham­pi­onship team of the week:

John Rud­dy (Birm­ing­ham), Jack Stacey (Nor­wich), Jacob Sørensen (Nor­wich), Japhet Tan­gan­ga (Mill­wall), Junior Fir­po (Leeds), Gabriel Sara (Nor­wich), Joe Roth­well (Southamp­ton), George Sav­ille (Mill­wall), Bor­ja Sainz (Nor­wich), Josh Sar­gent (Nor­wich), Kief­fer Moore (Ipswich). 

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