Two reasons to take breaks from your diet and stop fasting

You should not per­sist with the diet if you have stopped los­ing weight at some point or have been in a calo­rie deficit for a long time.

Most peo­ple don’t think of nutri­tion as some­thing that can be planned months in advance. But if some­one gets the crazy idea of ​​going on a diet for­ev­er, it won’t last long, the per­son will sim­ply with­er away and life will not be a joy.

Los­ing weight does­n’t last for­ev­er. Soon­er or lat­er the strength runs out. And here’s what’s def­i­nite­ly worth pay­ing atten­tion to.

Warning signs

Here are some signs that it’s time to stop fast­ing:

  • You con­stant­ly feel a loss of strength, weak­ness, fatigue, drowsi­ness
  • Fre­quent headaches or even faint­ing
  • Diges­tive prob­lems (diar­rhea or con­sti­pa­tion) began
  • You notice brit­tle hair and nails
    Dis­eases that were not there before appear and become reg­u­lar

Psychological reasons

Peri­od­ic breaks in the diet are a good way to take your mind off the monot­o­ny of your diet. It’s like a week­end that we need to take a break from work.

Physiological reasons

Diet breaks can reverse the effects of meta­bol­ic adap­ta­tion by giv­ing hor­mones ample time to return to nor­mal lev­els (testos­terone, estro­gen, lep­tin).

This means that you:

  • you will be less hun­gry
  • there will be more ener­gy
  • less desire to break down.

Breaks in the diet are real­ly effec­tive in this regard, but a cou­ple of weeks are clear­ly not enough to ful­ly restore hor­mon­al lev­els, so the result turns out to be short­er than expect­ed.

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