Why you can’t lose weight: Check if you’re making these 3 common mistakes

Many peo­ple don’t even sus­pect that it’s all about habits.

Some­times it seems that weight is gain­ing on its own, but in fact it can be due to bad habits that some peo­ple don’t even know they have. Doc­tors spoke about these most com­mon mis­takes, writes RG with ref­er­ence to experts.

Why can’t I lose weight?

Accord­ing to experts, one of the worst habits is eat­ing too quick­ly. You need to spend a suf­fi­cient amount of time eat­ing so that the diges­tion process is not dis­rupt­ed, bloat­ing or oth­er prob­lems do not occur. In addi­tion, the feel­ing of full­ness comes, as a rule, after 15–20 min­utes. There­fore, in order not to eat too much, you need to eat in mod­er­a­tion.

The sec­ond mis­take is to per­ceive food as an anti­de­pres­sant. It real­ly can lift your mood and help cope with fatigue, but you shouldn’t overeat in any case.

The third mis­take is also made by many, name­ly skip­ping break­fast and drink­ing lit­tle water. “It has been proven by many stud­ies: if you want to be healthy, eat break­fast. Here’s how the body works: our adren­al glands and gas­troin­testi­nal tract are very active in the ear­ly morn­ing. And at this moment a per­son is oblig­ed to eat, both pro­teins and car­bo­hy­drates,” explained Doc­tor of Med­ical Sci­ences, endocri­nol­o­gist Zukhra Pavlo­va in her Telegram chan­nel.

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