The world’s highest urban route: a tightrope walker walked along a line between the Katara Towers

It is not known for cer­tain what his inner voice told Jan Ruz while he was walk­ing along a rope stretched at a height of 200 meters between the Katara Tow­ers, but one look at this pho­to gives rise to not only thoughts about the strong nerves of the Eston­ian extreme sports­man, but also a whole series of less strong expres­sions.

Jan Roose is a proven bal­anc­ing genius who has par­layed his tal­ent into three world slack­lin­ing titles. Behind him is not only the con­quest of the most dif­fi­cult slack­lin­ing routes in the world, but also many coura­geous achieve­ments that no one had dared to do before. For exam­ple, Ian was the first to walk along the “fangs” of Boszhi­ra — unique rock for­ma­tions of the Kaza­kh tract, which was once the bot­tom of the ancient ocean.

This year, the 31-year-old dare­dev­il’s atten­tion was drawn to Qatar, and specif­i­cal­ly to one of the main attrac­tions of Doha — the Katara Tow­ers. The speci­fici­ty of slack­lin­ing is that you need to walk on an elas­tic “live” tape that responds to the athlete’s every move­ment, but Roose fur­ther com­pli­cat­ed his task by dec­o­rat­ing the 2.5‑centimeter line with LED light­ing, which made it even more unruly.

The prob­lems did not end there: the desert cli­mate of Qatar with its pow­er­ful gusts of wind, appear­ing lit­er­al­ly out of nowhere, added to the extreme. “Every meter passed became the most dif­fi­cult test of my life. But as an ath­lete, I am used to chal­leng­ing the impos­si­ble and I am glad that every­thing worked out for me“Ian com­ments on his 150m walk, which was com­plet­ed at an alti­tude more than twice the height of Lon­don’s Big Ben and became the city’s longest and high­est walk.