What’s going on with Schumacher? The lawyer revealed why information about the racer’s health is carefully hidden

After the trag­ic inci­dent at the ski resort, which occurred 10 years ago, there was almost no reli­able infor­ma­tion about the con­di­tion of the rac­er.

10 years have passed since the trag­ic inci­dent that almost cost the life of the leg­endary rac­er Michael Schu­mach­er. Since then, there has been vir­tu­al­ly no reli­able data on the athlete’s con­di­tion. Infor­ma­tion is pro­vid­ed bit by bit by the racer’s fam­i­ly, which tries to care­ful­ly pro­tect every­thing relat­ed to his health. The fam­i­ly’s lawyer spoke about why Schu­macher’s rel­a­tives so care­ful­ly hide any infor­ma­tion about him.

The sev­en-time world cham­pi­on was seri­ous­ly injured at the Meri­bel ski resort in the French Alps at the very end of Decem­ber 2013. The media report­ed that while rid­ing with his son, Michael fell and hit his head hard on a rock. As a result of the injury, he suf­fered a brain hem­or­rhage, after which doc­tors were forced to put him in an induced coma. Schu­mach­er left it only six months lat­er.

Since that moment, no sig­nif­i­cant data on the driver’s con­di­tion has appeared. There were var­i­ous rumors: some claimed that Schu­mach­er was bedrid­den, oth­ers said that he could move inde­pen­dent­ly and did not need breath­ing appa­ra­tus, but had lost the abil­i­ty to speak.

Only those clos­est to him receive infor­ma­tion about Michael’s health. Lawyer Felix Damm is help­ing his fam­i­ly main­tain their pri­va­cy. Accord­ing to him, this is being done delib­er­ate­ly: Schumacher’s rel­a­tives do not want the details of their per­son­al life to become pub­lic knowl­edge. “We won­dered if it would be right if we pub­lished a full report on Michael’s health and decid­ed that this would not be the end of the mat­ter. It would be nec­es­sary to con­stant­ly update the infor­ma­tion, and it would not depend on the fam­i­ly when media inter­est in this sto­ry dries up.“says the lawyer.

Damm believes that in this case it will no longer be pos­si­ble to stop the flow of ques­tions from the press, because jour­nal­ists will be able to oper­ate with the argu­ment of vol­un­tary self-dis­clo­sure — this is a prece­dent when a per­son does not have the right to pri­va­cy if the infor­ma­tion made pub­lic by him was trans­mit­ted to the pub­lic by him­self or through a legal rep­re­sen­ta­tive

Schu­macher’s wife Corin­na has pre­vi­ous­ly stat­ed her atti­tude to such issues. In the Net­flix doc­u­men­tary, she claimed that Michael is with his fam­i­ly, although not the same as before. “Per­son­al is per­son­al, he always said so him­self. It’s impor­tant to me that he can con­tin­ue to enjoy his pri­vate life for as long as pos­si­ble.“she said.